Start thinking about your new roof installation
Installing a new roof in winter can be tricky. Not impossible,…

Consider a new roof for your Oxford home this fall
Although the calendar says “November,” last week’s unseasonably…

Choosing new roof shingles for your Massachusetts home
When choosing a shingle color for a new roof, Worcester area…

Signs that it’s time for a new roof in Massachusetts
Is the roof on your Worcester area home starting to look a little,…

Fall in Massachusetts is a great time to install a new roof
If you have recently completed end of summer roof maintenance…

Consider a metal roof for your Massachusetts home
Looking for a new roof alternative to the old standby, asphalt…

Central Massachusetts roof replacement overview
From our headquarters in Dudley, MA, LJ Construction has replaced…

Signs that it might be time for a new roof
Avoid costly roof leak repairs in your Southbridge home by investigating…

Choose the right shingles for your new Massachusetts roof
Asphalt shingles are far and away the best-selling new roof materials. …

Commercial roof materials guide for your Worcester area business
Flat roof materials and methods require a distinct set of knowledge…